I just switched a bunch of my old poems (from 8+ years ago!) on my website from “private” to “public” and they were accidentally posted on social media and sent out to my subscribers!
Talk about the Universe having a sense of humor. A lot of them reflect times of deep heartache for me, and it was interesting and heartwarming to see how far I’ve come.
Going back to those old times and that place I was in made me feel a sense of gratitude for where I am now, and made me feel so much love and sadness for the girl who wrote them and all she went through to get to here.
I’m deleting the Facebook and Twitter posts, because I don’t prefer to have them shared in that way, but if you’d like to see them, they can be found at http://www.theyogalawyer.com/category/sappylovepoems/ There are 2 pages, so be sure to hit the arrow at the bottom of the page for the “older posts.”
Much love to everyone on Earth, especially those that are grieving and heartbroken