FloweringMar 13, 20121 min readPadma, padma, padma, on the cusp of bloom after millennia of cultivation upon the weaver’s loom. Oh this urge to push and prod and force with all my might, let me resist with peaceful heart and watch you turn toward light.#lovepoem #theyogalawyer #kelliHastings #bhakti #padma #flowering #devotion #poem #everyDayDevotion
Padma, padma, padma, on the cusp of bloom after millennia of cultivation upon the weaver’s loom. Oh this urge to push and prod and force with all my might, let me resist with peaceful heart and watch you turn toward light.#lovepoem #theyogalawyer #kelliHastings #bhakti #padma #flowering #devotion #poem #everyDayDevotion
I’ll fly awayWisp into my path, Your impermeable grace Floating on my song. #theyogalawyer #haiku #illflyaway #kelliHastings #yogalawyer #prettyredmoth